who are we & what are they?
Introducing The Patriot and The Bandit, our unique backscratchers that do a bit more than just satisfy your itch. The "Bandit" represents the ones who have dedicated their lives to our country and have been abandoned and left helpless by our government. The "Patriot" on the other hand represents those who continue to risk their lives to protect and fight for America and our right to freedom. Our goal is to raise money to go directly to these veterans on the streets and be able provide whatever may be necessary to give them a proper way of life. We will target and help one individual at a time to ensure they are completely set up for success. Once we are able to raise enough money we plan to help as many possible at a time with the same successes. We do not support the big organizations that pay out millions and millions of dollars to their CEOs rather than paying it forward to the cause itself. We stand out from those crowds because we actually care to help make a change in America to make it great again. We have not a single intent for personal gain here at this company and hope you can see our dedication to making a difference. If you don't want to buy our product because you think you might not need it for its functional use, buy it because you want to be apart of the change. Chances are you will end up buying something you don't need anyways so why not buy something that's also going to help someone else. Donations will also be accepted if you wish to show extra support to our cause.
They are available in both The Patriot and The Bandit styles with various colors and designs to chose from. They will also be available to customize to your state to show local pride. Each is hand crafted using materials including flexible pipe and protected screws, engineered to reach those tricky spots your hands can't quite get to and designed to showcase patriotic pride. While these make the most ideal backscratchers, they double as a robust protection device, featuring a firm, elongated design that can ward off danger if needed. (It would not feel pleasant to be whacked with one of these!) It is the perfect thing to carry on your wrist for extra protection while taking an evening walk or even just taking the trash out late at night. Each backscratcher also incorporates the functionality of sound by blowing into the end. The sound it produces is similar to that of a shofar horn, known as the rams horn containing a more biblical background and symbolizing a proclamation of freedom. ​It can be used with idea of a shofar in mind, or as a distress call in times of danger.
Proudly produced and shipped from Mt. Juliet, TN.